Tika Tamang (3rd from right) and his extended family
Over the past 15 years, Tika Tamang and Nick Farr have developed a strong bond. Borne initially from tragedy, grief soon gave way to mutual support and great friendship. In 2006 they founded Trek Climb Ski Nepal, which has led to sustainable and meaningful employment for Tika and his wider family network.
Tika has travelled to Australia on many occasions during this period and has forged strong personal connections with families and communities here that have consolidated over time. Tika invests time while in Australia to further his own education and personal development. He takes these learning opportunities back to Nepal and uses them to teach and empower our Trek Climb Ski Nepal Community and team.
Many trekkers and climbers have been the beneficiaries of Tika’s experience, expertise and care throughout the history of Trek Climb Ski Nepal. Tika has also acted as a conduit for people in Australia to maintain contact and provide assistance for others living and travelling in Nepal.
In April and then in May 2015, large earthquakes devastated much of Nepal. These natural disasters killed more than 7000 people and injured many thousands more. These events have destroyed thousands of villages and towns and have thrown the Nepalese economy into turmoil. The thriving tourist trade was decimated for the second year in a row, and this seriously impacted the lives of the locals, including our own Trek Climb Ski Nepal family.
Post these earthquakes, the situation in Nepal became very dire. Many thousands of people required urgent aid to survive this large-scale disaster. Particularly during the critical emergency response period. Our people in Nepal were deeply affected.
Our mission
1. To provide the means to assist our family in Nepal in obtaining proper food, water, clothing and shelter. Availability to clean water and food has been lessened since the earthquake and prices have risen. The cost of everyday supplies is increasing. Whilst the fall-out of this tragedy continues, the ability to service basic expenses associated with housing, power, shelter and education has become increasingly difficult.
2. To provide as much assistance as possible to the extended Tamang family by generating a regular income and in turn some security for the immediate future. Nepal survives on tourism as does the Trek Climb Ski Nepal family. For the second year in a row, the Everest climbing season was cancelled, largely impacting an economy almost wholly dependent on tourism. With the devastation of thousands of villages around the country, tourism will subside for quite some time until infrastructure for the industry is repaired. As a result, the extended Tamang family – who rely heavily on the trekking and climbing industry – now have little to no regular income. Much of the income received is generated for this community via Trek Climb Ski Nepal.
3. To relieve any sense of isolation and abandonment during the crisis period. Nepal is, in many respects, quite isolated from the rest of the world at this particular time. Helping to minimise this sense of abandonment and isolation will provide much comfort to our extended family. Even during this crisis, we have feared for our own loved ones in Nepal, and Tika was the man at the coalface helping to relieve our feelings of anxiety and despair. This is not the first time we have called upon his assistance. It is appropriate for Tika and his extended family to know that he too will be supported and looked after in the same way that he has done for us.

A rural village destroyed by the Nepal earthquakes of 2015
4. To set up a structure that will influence the future for this family by providing a means of education for the children of the Tamang (and extended) family. This crisis will pass in due course. What then for the future? Virtually all of our extended family are provided for by those working as trekking and climbing guides in the mountains. Many killed during this recent disaster lost their lives as a direct result of working in the mountains. Breaking the poverty cycle will only come through hard work and education. Tika has shown how this might occur and has been supported by us for many years. It is making a difference but for this family, community and country to improve, education for the next generation is of critical importance. Moves were already afoot to provide an ongoing education fund for the Tamang children. Some of our community are already active in this regard. There is strength in numbers in providing ongoing education funds at minimal cost.
5. To provide a means to access proper health care. This really doesn’t need much in the way of explanation. It’s clear that the medical and hospital services in Nepal are inadequate, particularly now. A pool of funds will assist with any unexpected illness or health-related emergencies that are bound to arise in the coming months and years.
6. To provide a financial structure that is transparent and accountable so that all contributors will have confidence that the funds are being used for their intended purposes. The Trek Climb Ski Nepal Community Account will be managed by a number of persons to ensure integrity and accountability. The books of this account will remain open to any and all contributors seeking visibility of the process. We will maintain a register of expenses and distribution of funds in Nepal to prevent corruption or misuse. We will also aim for zero administration costs for the operation of this project and will be making direct transfers to the respective educational facilities for accountability.
How to donate
This is the easy bit. Our Nepal Community bank account is held with BankVic, Australia.
Account Name: Nepal Community Account
BSB: 704-230
Account number: 100457163
You can donate to our Nepalese community by direct transfer to this account or by cheque made out to “R.J. Foster / Nepal Community Account”. Please send cheques to 121 Heidelberg Road, Clifton Hill, Victoria, 3068. Electronic transfer is preferred.
Please consider an ongoing weekly or monthly direct transfer. Just $10 a month will go a long way towards the education and health of the many children being supported by this fund. There are no administration fees associated with the running of this fund. Donations to this fund are not tax-deductible.